Special Seneca meeting for legal advice

The mayor and the eight-member city council in Seneca are being called together for a special meeting Monday to receive legal advice on the “pending legal matter with OJRSA, the City of Walhalla & the City of Westminster.”  Late last year an attorney for Seneca put the Joint Regional Sewer Authority and its fellow members Walhalla and Westminster on notice […]

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Do the expenses match the revenues?

A time of reckoning, of sorts, will come before Oconee County fathers next week.  At their first March meeting, County Council is to receive the audit covering the year 2020-21,  Presenting the comprehensive financial report:  the audit firm of Mauldin and Jenkins.  The 20-21 year was the first full government  year during the pandemic.

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Oconeean bilked out of $11,500

No one named Lt. Johnson works for the Oconee Sheriff’s Office.  That is one of the lessons learned from a scam that bilked an Oconeean.  It’s the hope of the county sheriff’s office that something like this never happens to you.  The sheriff’s office became aware that someone claiming to be “Lt. Johnson from the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office” tried […]

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Duncan’s take on vaccine mandate

A letter from U-S Rep. Jeff Duncan to House Speaker Pelosi demands that she bring to the floor for a vote his bill that would end the President’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on federally-funded healthcare employees.  Duncan letter co-signer, Pennsylvania Republican Fred Keller, said, “Vaccination is a personal decision and healthcare providers are uniquely qualified to make these determinations for themselves, […]

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Walhalla accident leads to W. Union man’s death

A 67-year old West Union man died yesterday afternoon in the Oconee Memorial emergency department after a one-vehicle accident a block from Walhalla’s Main Street.  Coroner Addis identified the deceased as Stephen Charles Addis, of whom the coroner suspects, may have sustained a medical event preceding the accident.  Shortly after 11 am, public safety responders rushed to the accident scene […]

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Young man to atone for part in elderly woman’s murder

A young man was sentenced this afternoon for his part in the murder of an elderly woman in Seneca nearly three years ago.  This was sentencing day for Hunter Lee Hunnicutt, who pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter a few months after co-defendant Dakota Brown shot and killed Geraldine Castle, Brown’s grandmother.  Judge McIntosh’s sentence:  15 years suspended to seven years […]

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