National distinction for Tech department head

The head of the Criminal Justice Department of Tri-County Technical College, Dr. Chris McFarlin, is the first and only law enforcement officer and criminal justice educator in South Carolina to earn a national industry certification from the Force Science Institute in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. McFarlin recently earned a basic force science analyst certification before being accepted into the advanced specialist […]

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Sewer committee to meet a second time

A committee of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority has now scheduled a second meeting next week apparently in the hopes of finding a resolution to a complex issue that divides the JRSA and its member city Walhalla. An hour and a half of talks Monday failed to settle a proposal to return monies held in banks to the three cities—Walhalla, […]

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A plan to use the former Clemson Holiday Inn property

An application for a Planned Development at 894 Tiger Boulevard, Clemson—property that for many years was a Holiday Inn has been received by the city Planning and Codes Administration Department. The applicant, Clemson Dockside, LP, of Dallas, Texas, is proposing to build a mixed-use development that will include 322 residential units, approximately 22,000 square feet of commercial space, and associated […]

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Walhalla to get litter law of its own

The issue framed for the Walhalla City Council was this: “The City of Walhalla currently has no ordinance addressing, defining, and enforcing litter.” That’s now changing, with a vote last night by the council to pass a law that sets penalties and fines. Here’s the wording: “Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor […]

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Mayor puts his council on alert

A vote to set Walhalla’s new budgets is a few weeks away, but the mayor put the city council on alert last night that spending over the next 12 months is projected to increase by a half million dollars. After meeting earlier in the day with the city administrator, Mayor Edwards threw out a lot of figures last night at […]

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Trial avoided, defendant pleads guilty

An Oconee jury had been selected to sit in judgment of a drug charge against a Georgia man, but the trial was avoided yesterday when the defendant pleaded guilty. After pleading guilty to a methamphetamine charge, Clayton resident John Paul Parks was ordered by the judge to serve three years, suspended to five years probation. Parks was arrested in 2017 […]

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Walhalla to investigate water cutoff policies

After a councilman called attention to a $700 dollar water bill that the customer could not pay, Walhalla’s elected leaders decided it would be worthwhile to study the cutoff policies of other providers, to determine if their city’s policy is too harsh. Councilman David Underwood once again complained last night about Walhalla’s policy of a 10-day grace period before the […]

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County: Utica is a mess looking for a clean up

Utica, sometimes called “Mill Hill,” has some of the look out of an apocalyptic movie, county officials said Tuesday, and it’s time to do something about that.Burned out houses, uninhabitable but nevertheless with residents. Drug dealing. Drug manufacture. Stealing and other crime of almost every sort. It all goes on in Utica, District 3 Councilmember Paul Cain said Tuesday, and […]

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Chau Ram Park to increase by over 20 acres

Visitors to the county’s Chau Ram Park near Westminster will soon have a bigger playground. The nearly 219-acre Chauga Heights property adjoining the present park will soon become the county’s under a deal the County Council approved unanimously Tuesday. Among the possible uses county recreation staff envision for the new property are expanded areas for camping, expansion of hiking and […]

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