What’ll be on the agenda for next GOP meeting

Resolutions that have been passed by at least two Oconee County Republican precincts are going to be added to the agenda for a meeting next week of the county party, according to an announcement today by Jim Mann, the county chairman.  One resolution would censure the Statehouse Republicans on what is described as an impasse between the state Freedom Caucus and the House Republican caucus.   In today’s announcement, Oconee Chairman Mann says the local precinct resolutions did not originate at the county level, but instead a precinct level.  About the resolution process he said, “If any individual or group within the the OCRP feels strongly about a current political issue, then they have the option to draft a resolution (official position), present it to their precinct for review, and then lobby their precinct members to approve it.  If the precinct calls a meeting on the issue and the members officially vote to pass the resolution(s), then the precinct can take the request to include those resolutions(s) on the agenda for the next countywide meeting.”