West Union presentation covered zoning and annexation

West Union is a town of, perhaps, no larger than one square mile.  But there’s talk to further expand the town limits.  A representative of a government service organization addressed the town council last night on   various methods to accomplish annexation.  Naomi Reed of the state Municipal Association included comments about zoning, although West Union does not regulate the use of land and buildings.  And Mayor Linda Oliver, after last night’s meeting, said her town is not actively pursuing the idea of zoning.  She and the council were told that there are benefits to annexation for both town government and property owners.  They include a stronger tax base for the town and police and sanitation services for property owners who agree to be annexed.  Reed, field services manager for the MASC, said annexation can be controversial.  She recommended that open and good media relations can be helpful, especially when an annexation turns controversial.