Three new school administrators

The board of Oconee school trustees approved filling three administrative positions.  Kathy Ward, after several years at Daniel High School, is the new assistant principal at Walhalla High School.  Lauren Provost moves from classroom teaching to assistant principal at Walhalla Elementary and Tamassee-Salem Elementary.  Erin Garland leaves James Brown Elementary to be the school district’s new director of ATSI – Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.  According to associate superintendent Steve Hanvey, Garland assumes a state-funded job to support teachers of students with disabilities.

In other news, Anne-Hamilton LeRoy, a former Seneca High School star and the school’s all-time leading scorer, has been appointed as the new varsity girls’ basketball coach at Seneca. LeRoy, who is about to complete her master’s degree at Longwood University, is thrilled to be returning to her alma mater.