The battle shall be rejoined

A real estate firm returns to Seneca City Hall on Monday night next week, in hopes it can gain approval for planned development residential zoning for nearly 100 acres on the northwest side of Seneca near Lake Keowee.  The Forestar Group’s application is to be considered by the city planning commission.  The planning commissioners’ recommendation would then go to the city council at a future date.  The 6 o’clock public hearing on Monday is a chance for interested—and concerned—nearby homeowners to ask questions and raise objections.  Some of the concerns on the part of homeowners in nearby Keowee Plantation and on Woodcreek Drive seemed to have been lessened by  Forestar’s recent meeting for the community at the Shaver Recreation Center.  But it was clear, even from that meeting, that some of the neighbors see a development of 88 single-family homes and more than 250 townhomes as contributors to an increasingly worsening traffic problem for the two-lane roads in and out of those lake area home developments.