Riley bests a field of five

One out of every three votes cast went to Ernest Riley, and that was enough yesterday to allow the former Seneca councilman to win a political comeback.  The unofficial results announced last night by the elections office gave Riley 273 votes, or 33.83% of the 807 votes cast and tabulated:  #349 :28 “…MOVE FORWARD NOW.” Once Riley is certified the official winner tomorrow, he’ll take the seat that opened with the death of Al Gaines and complete Gaines’ unexpired term.  Placing second was Delanio Taylor, with 168 votes; third place to Kyle Nicholson, with 152; fourth to Donna Peppers, at 141; and fifth to Jim Sites, with 73 votes.  Peppers last night was quick to declare she’ll run again when Seneca’s next election takes place in November.