Regulating Council’s conduct away from Pine Street

David Root, the Oconee County Attorney, gave his opinion last night as to the potential pitfalls when a majority of elected leaders gather outside their official settings when, in Oconee’s case, there are three of five members of the county council together.  Root says the opinions of the state Attorney’s General clearly specify that official business can’t be discussed or voted without compliance with the state’s open meeting law.  Requesting Root’s opinion was District Four Councilman Julian Davis – this following regret expressed last night by Jim Mann, the county’s GOP chairman that not all council members are willing to accept party leadership’s invitation for a town hall meeting to be centered on county government’s budget process.  Also, Council Chairman Matthew Durham, reacting to insinuations, said he has never violated the open meeting provisions of the state’s FOIA while present with two other councilmen.