Outside auditor makes recommendation to Westminster

Audited financial numbers of the city of Westminster led a firm of outside CPA’s to deliver a clean opinion for the year that finished June 30.  Marcy Loucks of the McKinley Cooper and Company delivered copies of the annual audit to last night’s city council meeting.  One of the bright spots, as both Loucks and city administrator Kevin Bronson, draw from the 60-page report is that Westminster’s total net position increased by $1.2 million, from prior year, as revenues of $10.9 million exceeded expenses of $9.6 million.  Toward the end of the presentation, Mayor Brian Ramey asked if there was anything that the city should be concerned with.  Loucks referred the mayor and council to page 58 which contains a recommendation that Westminster should improve its collection of recreation fees by one or more of the following steps:  (a) mandating use of receipt books, (b) reconciling receipt books to the deposits made to the bank, (c) limiting the number of people who are allowed to collect fees (and thus who have receipt books), (d) requiring cash boxes to be brought to City Hall on a regular basis with a receipt provided to the Recreation Director for the amounts submitted, (f) standardizing forms and procedures used, and/or (g) centralizing all cash collections to City Hall.”