Morning thru afternoon testimony

A Seneca department head took the witness stand just after 9:45 yesterday morning, and there he remained until 4:45 in the afternoon – with the exception of a lunch break and routine stoppages during a circuit court trial.  For much of yesterday, a plaintiff’s attorney slowly led Ed Halbig through a series of photographs, emails, and other communications dated years ago.  Halbig, Seneca’s director of planning and community development, was asked to verify and expand on what part the city played in the inspection of private 123 By-Pass property as it pertained to a pronounced failure of a storm water retention system.  Yesterday was day two of 4105 Liberty Highway Llc, purchaser of 445 Bypass 123, and Redlands Properties et al, seller of the approximate 9-10 acres.  Trial is taking place at the Oconee Courthouse, with Judge Hughston of Charleston holding the gavel.