Martin would chop Thorsland’s pay

Oconee School District critic Lynne Martin again questioned the trustees last night as to whether there is, in fact, savings to be realized by closing two elementary schools and combining them into one new school.  She and fellow supporters favor keeping open Tamassee-Salem and separately addressing Keowee Elementary.  Tamassee-Salem supporters contend their 24-year old school is well-kept, the building is good for the future, and it’s foolish to buy new property to build a new school.  A couple of them also suggest that, even though it would change their school’s teacher-student ratio, the district should consider re-drawing attendance lines so that additional students are transferred to their area’s one remaining school.  District officials believe combining two schools into one is going to create financial savings that’ll demonstrate wise use of tax dollars.  But Martin said, if she had the authority, she’d cut the financial package enjoyed by the district’s top administrator, Dr. Michael Thorsland, the superintendent.