Late arriving water bill irks customer

Wayne McCall happened to meet the carrier at just the moment Wednesday that she dropped his water bill into his mailbox on Mountain Springs Road.  He was surprised that the bill arrived a day after the due date Tuesday.  McCall drove to city hall, registered a complaint, but paid his bill – along with a late charge.  McCall acknowledges Walhalla offers its customers automatic bank drafts.  He can afford the penalty but, in McCall’s view, other Walhalla utility customers can’t.  The former county councilman wants Walhalla to spend less on recreation, such as a greenway, and more to hire additional city hall counter personnel and take a load off the city’s water and sewer department.  Utility workers requiring certifications, for whatever reasons, don’t consider Walhalla.  For months Scott Parris, utilities director, and some council members have been frustrated by the city’s inability to recruit water plant operators.