Lake Keowee Marina expansion green-lighted, again

Zoning changes that’ll allow a long-time lakeside Seneca business to expand were re-formatted at a meeting last night of the city planning commission.  A vote of 5-0 will move Lake Keowee Marina property zoning changes in the form of a recommendation for city council action during meetings in January and February.  Marina property of 11.6 acres is to be re-zoned from RM-16 to PD-C (Planned Development-Commercial) and an additional 2.18 acres for residential-20.  While there was no dissent among the planning commissioners, there was in the audience.  Three neighboring homeowners spoke in opposition.  Cliff Henry of Loran Pointe and the others decried the potential for increasing traffic that a larger marina would channel onto Old Salem Road, a feeder street to the busy 123 By-Pass.  And they fear that a peninsular part of Lake Keowee will gradually lose a lot of its residential character on Old Salem Road, Hughes Street, and Loran Point Circle.  Lake Keowee Marina is pursuing the zoning changes to add new facilities for boat storage and boat service.