Immunity hearing to decide self-defense claim

A hearing underway at Oconee Courthouse is deciding whether a man near Salem had the right to “stand his ground” when a visitor to his home, according to what the judge was told, arrived un-invited and got into a fight that left a homeowner with a gunshot wound to the head.  Attorneys for Nathan McCall are making the case before Judge McIntosh that McCall shot Timothy Nabors Sr. in self-defense when their fight inside the house on Little River Lane led outside and to the gunfire.  Defense attorneys this morning planned to call several witnesses, and made as their first witness a man who co-habitated in McCall’s home and was present when the incident occurred.  Deputy Solicitor Jason Alderman took issue with part of defense lawyer Samuel Barton Tooker’s presentation to the hearing judge.  According to Alderman, shooting victim Nabors did not barge into the McCall home and make a beeline to McCall who was in a bedroom.  Defense witness Jonathan Brewer testified McCall and Nabors started fighting on the bed and eventually led outside where, according to Brewer, Nabors started throwing rocks at the house.