Greenway critics have been disingenuous — the mayor beieves

Danny Edwards, Walhalla mayor, says the three city councilmen who voted against funding the greenway do not want the project for their city — even if the money to pay for it came from other sources.  Edwards reacted Friday to the positions of councilmen Keehn, Jordan, and Underwood that it’s unfair to apply monies from the water department to a project seen as a recreation and economic development enhancer at a time when utility charges have increased and the city’s difficulty to hire and keep key workers, such as treatment plant operators.  In his statement, the mayor said, “Councilman Jordan & I met on the 15th of April and discussed how we could put something together to fix this.  I offered to try to figure a way to move at least $500K if not all of the greenway fund back the general fund where it came from.  When I asked would he support the greenway if we did this, he said he’d have to think about it, and get back w/me.  He never did.  On April 18th (the day before out council meeting) I called Councilman Underwood and we discussed funding on the greenway.  I asked David the same question, except I said what if we put all the money back in the general fund, would he support the greenway?  His answer was NO!  He doesn’t want it period.  A complete reversal from a year ago.”