Forum attracts five Walhalla candidates

The League of Women Voters staged a Walhalla candidates forum, but a lack of commitment from candidates elsewhere has forced the organization to cancel a similar forum next week for Seneca candidates. Last night, in the Walhalla Middle School auditorium, five city council candidates participated in an exercise of democracy in which they outlined their platforms and responded to LWVs’ questions and audience questions. Six candidates were no-shows.  Available in the November 7 election are four of the city’s six council offices. Participating last night were council candidates Sarai Melendez, Kenny Johns, Lynn McClain, Josh Thomas, and James Phillips.  Mayor candidate Tim Hall was relegated to a seat in the audience, as his only ballot opponent, Sherrie Campbell, did not take part.  A forum organizer explained that, in accord with her organization’s rules, the LWV denies forum participation to candidates when their only known opposition is absent.