Democrats hear calls to act

Oconee Democrats clapped, cheered, and stood admiringly for their nominee for governor last evening during a BBQ picnic near Seneca.  They are pinning their hopes on November 8 on a 40-year-old man who argues that the Republican incumbent’s policies are outdated for a South Carolina that wants to move from the past to a new future.  The audience that filled the South Cove Park pavilion clapped loudly when Joe Cunningham, their nominee for governor, decried incumbent Henry McMaster’s anti-abortion stance.  The applause wasn’t as loud, however, when Cunningham said he would legalize marijuana and betting.  Helping rev up the audience preceding Cunningham was Trav Robertson.  The state party chairman hit hard at his party’s favorite whipping boy, former President Donald Trump.  Robertson urged everyone in the audience to write their name on a sign-up sheet to commit them to help bring about favorable votes for Democratic candidates in the November elections.  Jody Gaulin, chairwoman of Oconee Democrats, estimated yesterday’s crowd at 120-125.