Clemson U. acquires eighty-seven (87) Pendleton acres

Trustees at Clemson University decided in a virtual meeting last Friday the university will acquire an 87-acre tract of land adjacent to the Clemson Experimental Forest.  The acreage is considered immediately adjacent to one of the more ecologically sensitive parts of the Clemson Experimental Forest, known as the George Aull Natural Area.  According to Clemson, “This area of the CEF is the best remnant of Piedmont old-growth forest in the Upstate of South Carolina (not just the CEF), Having never been logged or planted in cotton, this property has some overstory trees that are 200+ years old.  Clemson is acquiring the property through a charitable bargain with Naturaland Trust, who will secure the property through a charitable bargain and then transfer the property to the University for no cost.”