By-law change to be talked by sewer board


If the board of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority takes action, an Oconee County residency will no longer be a requirement to be a commissioner.  A JRSA committee is agreeable for the residency rule to be considered by the full board of commissioners.  The attendance yesterday of two committee members, Tally Grant and Brandon Burton, made for a quorum of the finance and administration committee.  The issue appeared on yesterday’s agenda in the following language:  “Consider amending the OJRSA Bylaws to allow a City Administrator and/or a Utilities Director that is employed fulltime by the Member City to serve as a Commissioner if they reside outside of Oconee County.”  Grant said he had no strong opinion either way.  Burton ventured the thought that it might be wise to go further by opening membership to any designated city employee, regardless of that city worker’s place of residency.  The residency rule has been on the books for several years.  Earlier this year it cost Kevin Bronson, the Westminster city administrator, his seat on the board.