Seven Oconeeans arrested in child sex case

A cyber tip led authorities this week to addresses across Oconee County and the arrests of seven men who the sheriff’s office says are accused in a case involving materials of child sex abuse.  The tip was provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Task Force.  According to the sheriff’s office, “At this time, Investigators do not […]

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Early voting starts Monday

The State Election Commission is reminding voters that they don’t need to wait until November to vote in the upcoming Statewide General Election. Early Voting Period Starts on Monday Any voter can visit an early voting center in their county during the early voting period and vote in person like they would at their polling place on election day. Times: […]

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“We got the surge”, says Ian survivor

Cape Coral, Florida resident Danny Ross and family survived Ian, last month’s hurricane that caused loss of life and major property damage along Florida’s Gulf Coast.  The Ross family came out unscathed except for property-incurred damage, but nothing like what struck many of his fellow Floridians have experienced.  Nearly four weeks, later there are still boats everywhere where they should […]

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6 pm tomorrow — official start of Ok’fest

Walhalla shows itself off in regal style this weekend, with another weekend that denotes its German roots from the middle part of the 19th century.  Oktoberfest weekend at Sertoma Field officially starts at 6 tomorrow evening with a ribbon-cutting – and then it is to be fun, carnival rides, food, beer, crafts, and Saturday night fireworks for three days.  Entertainment […]

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A supplier’s pledge for enhanced power service

Halfway between Westminster and the Georgia state line, a new electric substation is reported to be close to becoming energized.  And the Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative president/CEO Jim Lovinggood touts Blue Ridge’s new Dr. John’s substation to enhance the service for 2,100 customers in that area.  Heretofore, those 2,100 were served by Oakway or Westminster substations, according to Lovinggood’s column […]

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Georgia woman accused of murder in Walhalla

A northeast Georgia woman has been jailed in Walhalla and charged by the police with the murder of a Moore Avenue, Walhalla man on Monday night.  Chief Tim Rice late last night made the following announcement:  “This evening investigators with the Walhalla Police Department arrested 37-year old Lakeisha McLendon of Hartwell, Georgia for the murder of Terrance Boyd.”  Autopsy showed […]

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