Executive session lasts 50 minutes

We have a report that no action was taken after Oconee’s sewer commissioners emerged last night from their executive session.  The commissioners who set policy for the county’s treatment plant at Seneca were scheduled to meet privately with their attorney to consider the county administrator’s proposal to end the stalemate over whether the county should continue to fulfill an agreement […]

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Parts of Clemson under boil water advisory

Parts of Clemson’s water service area are under a boil water advisory today.  The advisory affects those City of Clemson water customers on Elm Street, Calhoun Street, Warbranch Road, and Fern Circle and was necessitated by low pressure caused by the repair of a six-inch water main line break caused by a contractor.  The advisory means that affected water users […]

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Event to meet the NEXT School faculty

  The NEXT School at Eagle Ridge predicts it will open August 15 with an enrollment between 180 and 200 students.  In the meantime, the community is invited to meet the faculty at a popcorn picnic at 6:30 Tuesday night, July 26 at the school in Salem.  Watermelon will also be served and there were will be games and music.  […]

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Walhallan charged with false police reports

  A 38-year old Walhalla woman has been charged with filing false police reports in both Seneca and Clemson.  An investigator for the Seneca police, Michael Termano, signed warrants charging Stephanie Anna Douglas of the Torrington Road with filing false reports last Sunday with the Seneca and Clemson police departments alleging that a Central man, Michael Andre Fruster, had kidnapped […]

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McCall wants cities involved in recycling

Wayne McCall believes Oconee County can’t get serious about recycling unless the cities get involved, and that could mean charging the cities tipping fees to encourage recycling.  McCall, the District Two councilman, last night laid out his plan for comprehensive recycling, including changes to the convenience centers along with converting glass and tires into useable products and the possibility of […]

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Westminster to help pay Dexter’s medical bills

So far, a public fund to help pay the medical bills of the deceased K-9 that was used by the Westminster Police has raised two thousand dollars, about one-half of what the final bills are liable to total.  The dog, named Dexter, was owned by city police officer Isaac Moore and not covered by any insurance through city government.  After […]

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South Carolina dodges bullet with Africanized bees

Additional extensive testing has concluded that a hive of suspected Africanized bees in Charleston County were predominantly the less volatile European honeybees.  The Department of Plant Industry at Clemson University announced that the hive was destroyed in May after the bees attacked the beekeeper and other bystanders over the course of several days–sending one person to the hospital.  Testing at […]

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Electric rate action tabled

  Chris Carter reported for work only a week ago as the Westminster city administrator.  He’s still living out of suitcases.  And the city council, his employer, is not going to rush him.  Carter took part last night in his first council meeting and was not up to speed on a new schedule of electric system rates up for adoption […]

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