Common Pleas jurors need not report

Oconeeans who received notices for Commons Pleas jury duty next week are excused and do not have to report at all, according to an announcement this afternoon from the Clerk of Court’s Office at the Oconee Courthouse.  Notices had been sent to 150 Oconee County residents.  However, a spokeswoman for the clerk says there are no cases on next week’s […]

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Fire loss estimates last night in the Cliffs

The Oconee fire chief quotes a contractor as saying the dollar loss to the house under construction last night in the Cliffs ranges from $2.5 to $2.75 million dollars, and that doesn’t include the fallout damage to a pair of adjoining homes. No one was hurt. Meantime, fire authorities are hoping the owners of the house construction project will be […]

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Devastating fires in lakefront development

Fire devastated a home under construction last night in the Cliffs development near Salem.  Fire Chief Kevin Wilbanks says there’s no indication where in the house the fire started and the cause is under investigation.  Fire fighting efforts were complicated by flying embers that damaged a pair of neighboring homes.  Rural Fire Control reported the fire scene as the vicinity […]

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123 corridor study to be talked Tuesday

It’s special when Oconee County’s leaders sit down with their advisory planning commission.  The reason for Tuesday’s meeting next week will be for a workshop between the county council and the planning commission to talk about a highway 123 corridor study.  Much attention is being paid to the section of 123 that connects Seneca with Clemson.  Properties bordering the highway […]

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Repeal of boil water advisory

Walhalla Water Department advises customers under an advisory of the need to no longer boil water before drinking or cooking purposes.  The water department made this announcement last night:  “After an intense flushing of the distribution system, bacteriological samples were collected and analyzed by the City of Walhalla Water Department.  The results of this sampling indicate that the system is […]

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