Sunday Walhalla Fire

According to Walhalla Fire Chief, Brandon Burton, fire units were dispatched to a single family residence on Coffee Road in Walhalla at 11:04 am on Sunday. Burton says, upon arrival heavy smoke was showing from the roof, all occupants were out of the structure and firefighters were able to rescue a cat and dog. Fire damaged a portion of the […]

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Seneca inventor has idea to solve energy needs

In a long life, Seneca’s Curt Davis enjoyed a 41-year military career and managed a business and, while in the military, invented a night goggle vision device. He also had a brush in show business as an Elvis Presley impersonator. But he considers himself to be an inventor, says he is working on one particular invention, about which he won’t […]

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Why the mayor won’t take part

Walhalla Mayor Danny Edwards has announced he won’t take part in tonight’s debate, arranged by the Journal.  The mayor’s explanation, from his Facebook page, is as follows:  “For the past week, following the Partners for Progress-sponsored candidates forum the local paper has published daily articles and editorials critical of my tenure as Mayor, and by extension, critical of the other […]

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Details on 3-vehicle wreck, school bus involved

According to the highway patrol, an Oconee school bus driver was ticketed this morning with too fast for conditions in what was a three-vehicle wreck on SC 24. A spokeswoman for the public schools said the accident occurred shortly before 8 o’clock as the bus was heading from West-Oak High to West-Oak Middle. Twenty-five students were on board, but only […]

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Seneca is talking master plan

Seneca and master plan have not exactly been words spoken together.  But the “City of Smiles, City with Style” is engaging outside parties to help it develop a master plan that will pay special attention to the downtown and the thoroughfares leading in.  Last night, during a City Hall meeting, the mayor and the council opened the floor to a […]

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School bus accident

A school district spokeswoman says an Oconee bus was in an accident this morning at approximately 7:40am. The bus was en route to West-Oak Middle School after dropping students off at West-Oak High School. The South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating the accident. One student was taken by EMS to the hospital for evaluation of a possible minor injury.

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