A stab toward solving the county’s pay inequities

Oconee County councilmen recognize inequities in county workers’ pay.  They don’t all agree on the way to resolve.  By one vote only, the county will designate a Florida outfit to do a “Classification, Compensation and Time Use Study.” Chairman Matthew Durham sees the study creating a plan for the county to move forward, but two of his colleagues decry this and believe the near $60 thousand cost will be wasted – considering Evergreen Solutions of Tallahassee, both John Elliott and Julian Davis believe, will tell the county nothing that it already doesn’t know.  A figure of millions of dollars is being floated as the amount that Oconee might require to correct employee pay inequities, to ensure county workers are truly being compensated fairly for their skills and responsibilities.  The vote breakdown to authorize the study:  Durham, Hart and Mize in favor; Davis and Elliott opposed.