A resolution supports Durham, Hart, and Mize

The move last month by the new conservative majority on the Oconee County Council to cut spending has met with approval of Mountain Rest Republicans meeting yesterday.  A resolution arising from the Mountain Rest GOP meeting above the signatures of Doug Hedden, precinct president; and Al De La Costa, precinct secretary, reads, in part, “Be it resolved that the Mountain Rest Precinct of the Oconee County Republican Party commends District 2 County Council Chairman Matthew Durham, District 3 County Councilman Don Mize, and District 5 County Councilman Glenn Hart for forwarding the SC Republican Party Platform Principles by voting to adopt a 2023-2024 Oconee County budget which is less in projected expenditures than the 2022-23 Oconee County budget.”   A budget of $67M recommended by Administrator Brock caused the rift between Durham, Hart, and Mize on one side and Davis and Elliott on the other to widen.