A communication between two county officials

The executive director of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority plans to email the Oconee County administrator.  The JRSA’s Chris Eleazer became inspired to write Amanda Brock, the county administrator, during discussion this morning by a JRSA committee’s reaction to County Council’s intentions for up to $25 million in general obligation bonds.  Those bonds are to generate monies for capital projects, including wastewater improvements.  Members of the JRSA’s Operations and Planning Committee are curious to know what role, if any, the JRSA will be expected to play if the bonds are used for sewer projects.  Specifically, if some of the bond money is to be spent to further service to Interstate-85 parts of southern Oconee.  In the email, it’s likely Eleazer will ask about the status of organizing a special committee made up of representatives of both general county government and the JRSA, a governmental body of its own.