What’s to be done with $2.4M in recovery money

Oconee County Council gave preliminary approval for Walhalla to apply $2.4 million to water system improvements.  The money amounts to Local Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery funds for which the county governing body acts as a pass-thru.  And Brandon Burton, Walhalla’s first-year city administrator, expressed his gratitude last night to the county councilmen.  In remarks, Burton identified two specific projects to be addressed by his city’s water department.  One is the elimination or reduction of low water pressure issues that plague the city’s customers in the Poplar Springs Community.  The other is a leak-prone area in the vicinity of SC 11 and 183/the Pickens Highway, including the high school.  This year, especially the July 4th holiday period, has developed into a strenuous year for the Walhalla Water Department.  Burton says its crews have been forced to fix 12 line breaks.