What grant means for new Sewer South phase

Counting the newly-announced federal grant and supplement from local and state governments, Oconee’s Joint Regional Sewer Authority is being infused with monies to help make a new phase of Sewer South a reality. The U-S Commerce Department announcement late last week of a $3.7 million grant to the JRSA is designed to facilitate infra-structure improvements to protect businesses in the event of natural disasters. But there’s a component also to allow for sewer pipe in the southern end of Oconee, where a four-mile corridor of I-85 is seen as a potential for economic development. And that should mean the replacement of antiquated septic systems. The money comes from the Bi-partisan Budget Act of 2018, in which Congress appropriated to the Economic Development Administration $600 million for disaster relief and recovery as a result of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, wildfires, and other calendar year 2017 natural disasters.