Westminster lawyer puts a Seneca lawyer on notice

At last night’s meeting the Westminster city administrator took the prerogative of reading aloud the last paragraph of a 7-page letter from the city’s outside law firm to a Seneca-employed lawyer who is helping that city pursue a potential lawsuit challenging the board make-up of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority.  Kevin Bronson called attention to the following paragraph written by Chad Johnston of the Willoughby and Hoefer law firm:  “….your letter misrepresents the Governance Agreement and other documents to make assertions that are not founded in fact and do not establish any arguable breach by the City of the agreements governing the operation of the Authority.  Based on the foregoing, the City respectfully requests that Seneca withdraw your November 9, 2021, letter and the demands made therein.  As the allegations advanced in the letter are unfounded, and your client is now on notice of same, any legal action undertaken by Seneca for the reasons identified in your letter would be without substantial justification….and will be defended as frivolous….”  Mayor Brian Ramey took the issue of the threatened lawsuit one step further when he called on Bronson to determine the legal costs of Westminster and the other named potential defendants and report them in public.