Wearing a protective mask properly

If you wear a mask to protect against COVID-19, you need to wear that mask properly and be sure you don’t take off the mask, touch your face, and then put the mask back on.  That’s the gist of a conversation that one Oconee County councilman had last night with the county administrator.  District Two’s Wayne McCall spoke with Amanda Brock, county administrator, during county council’s first Tuesday night meeting.  In reply to a McCall question, Brock said county employees have been instructed on the proper way to wear a mask.  Employees are required to wear masks while at work inside county buildings and in certain areas outdoors when six-foot separation is not possible.  Members of the public are not permitted inside county buildings unless they wear masks.  Last night Brock did not rule out the need for county government to instruct members of the public on the sanitary ways to wear masks.