Walhalla political forum will run two hours

Plans are coming together for an event to showcase the nine men and one woman who aspire for Walhalla public office in the November 5 election.  The four mayoral candidates and the six candidates for three city council seats have been sent invitations by the Partners for Progress to appear at the Walhalla Depot from 6:30 to 8:30 Tuesday night, October 22.  In his letter to the candidates David Lyle, Partners president, said, “The forum will be broken into two segments, one for council candidates and one for Mayoral candidates.  Keith Denny, of Denny Law Firm, will be the moderator.  Questions will be accepted from the public before the event via email and collected in writing from attendees at the door.  No questions will be taken from the audience during the event.”  The candidates are also being given the chance to propose questions and to email them.