Walhalla parade on schedule

A meeting December 1 will likely hammer out the final details for the annual Walhalla Christmas parade.  That meeting takes place only five days before the actual event, which is scheduled 5:30 Saturday evening, December 5.  The worsening rate for the spread of COVID-19 was a prime consideration for how the city will attempt to regulate the parade in a way that makes it as safe as possible for participants and spectators.  According to Mayor Edwards, the tradition of tossing candy from floats and children running onto Main Street to scoop up the sweets will be strictly forbidden.  And one council member is questioning whether the city can safely stage the parade in keeping with the advice being given school children about avoiding crowds, which are believed to be a spreader of the virus.  Councilwoman Sarai Melendez, a school employee, questioned whether six feet of social distancing can be adhered to in a parade setting.  Melendez is also concerned that, with no city mask ordinance, many who go to the parade won’t be wearing masks.  For those who’d rather not attend the parade, a live stream of the event is planned on uTube.