Walhalla officials go before county sewer committee

At the least, it’s likely one more committee meeting will be needed before there’s a recommendation as to how the Joint Regional Sewer Authority can resolve its differences with member city Walhalla over a proposal to return monies. Yesterday’s one and a half hour meeting broke up with agreement to call a second meeting.  City Administrator Brent Taylor and Mayor Danny Edwards yesterday made a presentation the JRSA’s finance and administration committee, which included a letter detailing their position and outlining their city’s concerns as to how capital sewer projects are to be paid for without the millions of dollars that the JRSA has managed to bank over the years. In return, the JRSA committee, chaired by Westminster’s Chris Carter, provided the Walhalla officials detailed information on the JRSA’s budgets and discussed projects necessary to rid the system of inflow and infiltration, the cost of which gets added to the bills of the three member cities—Walhalla, Seneca, and Westminster.