Utica homicide defendant faces November trial

Judge Sprouse showed empathy yesterday for a lawyer defending a murder suspect from Utica.  The judge remembered the time as a private practice lawyer, he had trouble securing appointments to confer with clients in jail awaiting trial.  That’s the exact problem that Sara Drawdy, an attorney for murder defendant Braxton Earl, complained of yesterday during a motion hearing in the General Sessions Court.  Drawdy urged Sprouse to frame a bond for her client, in part, to help give her time to prepare a defense when the case is called for trial.  But the judge decided, at this point, bond would be inappropriate.  The ruling sends Earl back to jail, to await a November trial.  He is accused of firing the shot that killed a fellow Pendleton resident, Richard Dennis Keese, last year in Utica.  Drawdy told the judge her side believes the case against Earl is circumstantial.