Unmodified opinion included in the audit opinion

An examination of the way the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority handles money has produced the exact opinion which the agency’s outside auditor says it should have.  That, in the wording of certified public accountant Jason White is an unmodified opinion.  White’s firm conducted the examination of the millions of dollars in revenue and expenses associated with operating Oconee’s system of piped sewer service, based at the county treatment plant at Seneca.  The audit notes what’s referred to as a trend of decreased revenues, accelerated by the JRSA commissioners decision to return millions of held revenues in 2019 to their member cities. For the year 2020-21, there was a decrease of under $1 million in the net financial position of the authority.  Chris Eleazer, JRSA executive director, said interested members of the public may see audit in its entirety on the JRSA website.