Undercount could cost Oconee government money

To say the least, taking measure of the country’s population at the time of rampant virus is awkward. But officials continue to stress the importance of all Oconeeans to answer a few questions that the Census Bureau poses to determine the population count on the day of April 1. The importance is stressed because an undercount could cost Oconee County federal money that would go instead to other places. The Census Bureau’s David Carfolite says of the recent numbers, Walhallans made for the biggest jump in answering the census. Walhalla’s current day response rate is 35.9%–six-tenths of one percent higher than last tabulation. Of all areas in the county, the sections of Fall Creek, the Cliffs, and Keowee Key have the highest response rates—52%. You can choose to answer the census online or by mail.