To tether or not to tether

Clemson City Council is considering an ordinance to prohibit pet owners from tethering their pets to a stationary object.  The proposed definition for “tether” is:  to fasten, chain, tie, rope, cable or otherwise restrain an animal’s range of motion by physical connection to a stationary object or a heavy moveable fence, pole, state, parking meter, vehicle, concrete block, or tree.  The definition also includes running, trolley zip, and pulley lines and systems.  Under current Clemson law, persons who have animals must provide proper food, drink, shelter and protection from the weather.  According to the city’s police advisory board, the new prohibitions would no longer make it legal for a pet owner to leave an animal outside unless the animal is kept inside of a fenced in yard with the proper food, drink, and shelter.  Chief Jorge Campos would like Clemson residents’ input and is holding a public meeting at 6 pm Tuesday, January 11 at the Littlejohn Community Center, 644 Old Greenville Highway.