“This Council’s doing it” – says His Honor

Westminster City Council in a special meeting passed the first of two required votes to allow Kansas and Florida-based companies to design and build the city’s new recreation complex on Hall Street.  The representatives of those companies, Mammoth Sports Construction of Meriden, Kansas and SFC, Sports Facilities Companies of Clearwater, Florida, made clear to the council that while their base is hundreds of miles away, they’ll carry out their task in a collegial manner in which Westminster folks will have a say in what’s built, including specifics such as the layout of the ballfields.  Mayor Brian Ramey wants the designers and the builders to keep in mind that the project is not simply for kids’ sports and their parents, but the new Hall Street complex is going to serve interests for those in the public who aren’t athletic but will benefit from by having a new park and walking track.  The mayor sees the complex as a driver to expand Westminster economy by attracting visiting teams and the parents who’ll spend money locally.  Ramey recalled a comment attributed to Joe Riley, who was a long-time hands-on mayor of Charleston.  Ramey quoted Riley this way:  “Those people who say something can’t be done shouldn’t get in the way of those who are doing it.”  Ramey got a quick amen from the council, and added this:  “This Council’s doing it right now.”