There’s an Oconee connection with a Spanish company

A marketing effort by the three-member staff of the Oconee Economic Alliance may pay off in Oconee County being selected as a U-S expansion for a company located in the Spanish coastal city of Barcelona. Janet Hartman, executive director, along with her two office staff members spread the word about Oconee’s apparatus to attract economic development when they appeared at a meeting at the Cliffs at Keowee Falls home development near Salem. They found out there is a Cliffs’ resident who works for the Barcleona company. He has asked for information to evaluated before his employer would pick a U-S location. The Cliffs’ resident’s attitude, says Hartman, “Why wouldn’t we do that in Oconee County. I’m here. I don’t want to go anywhere else.” It’s a lead that Hartman’s office will follow.