The string shall not be broken

A five-day period early next month will mark the 59th South Carolina Apple Festival, based in Westminster and in the apple-growing region of Oconee County.  COVID-19, however, has changed how the festival will celebrate the apple crop.  Unlike festivals in the past, September 8-12 will not welcome large crowds for browsing the booths on Main  Street downtown.  Instead, Jane Suttles says the planning committee wants the public to participate in other ways.  Most important is for everyone to take advantage of buying apples from the growers who are described as being pleased with this year’s crop.  In an interview airing today on 101.7/WGOG, the Apple Festival Association president is announcing the names of this year’s growers from whom apples are available.  Suttles also requests business owners and home owners to take the time to decorate their windows with apple-like displays that follow this year’s theme of “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.”