The buzz is about a vacine

Late yesterday afternoon at the state capital talk centered on an eventual vaccine to protect against COVID.  The setting was a news briefing led by Governor McMaster which included remarks by two top DHEC officials.  They referred to news accounts that have cast an optimistic outlook for anyone or all of three different vaccines.  But, in the meantime, they stress the importance of everyone to continue to follow simple protective steps to avoid contracting COVID-19 and spreading it to others.  There is no timetable as to when a vaccine will be ready, but DHEC’s Marshall Taylor and Stephen White say South Carolina will be ready with a plan for disseminating it.  They say that for a vaccine to work, two separate doses will be required.  First priority will go frontline medical personnel, nursing home workers, and those who provide critical infrastructure duties as defined by the CDC, to be followed by distribution to the general public.