Teachers and guns not a good mix, Crenshaw believes

To those who advocate otherwise, the Oconee County Sheriff says, “I am not in favor of teachers carrying guns….” The second-term sheriff cites two reasons. “They would potentially leave a room full of students alone to go after an active shooter, the police will not know if they are the shooter or not. I want whatever it takes to make our schools safe and if that means an administrator at a school having a weapon, that may be a possibility,” he said yesterday. 101.7/WGOG NEWS asked whether Crenshaw is in favor of outlawing the sale to the public of military-style assault weapons. He said, “I am in favor of outlawing bump stocks. I would be in favor of more stringent requirements to obtain an assault rifle and if it can be shown that outlawing them can stop school shootings, I would support it.” Crenshaw also said he is working on the creation of a new position called “school safety officer.” He is researching the legal aspects of such a position, which may require a legislative change. Currently, several armed officers are assigned to schools in the capacity of school resource officers.