Tax Center offers online options

There are multiple ways you can transact business with the Oconee County Tax Center, thru online keyboard clicks.  County Auditor Christy Hubbard is drawing attention to the various online service options offered by her office, by the Treasurer’s office, and by the Tax Assessor’s office.  It’s a way, she says, for county taxpayers to further protect themselves from catching covid-19 virus, influenza, or other maladies that are making their rounds.  Among the online ways to satisfy are thru computer mechanisms for forms, new vehicle and resident vehicle applications, high-mileage applications, and making tax payments.  Just go to the Oconee County website and look for the appropriate department link.  Hubbard also said:  “We encourage you to call us for any need that you may have and if we can help you over the phone we will gladly do so.  If you need to come in be mindful of any virus or flu bug that is going around and stay home if you have been exposed….Cash is a carrier of all viruses and we ask you to consider our online bill paying options and services.”