County aid to a busy volunteer fire station

If there’s a favorable vote Tuesday next week, a volunteer Oconee fire station inside an increasingly busy service area will receive additional county aid.  On County Council’s agenda Tuesday night is first and final reading of a resolution that would authorize the placement of two county employees at the Corinth-Shiloh Fire Department near Clemson.  Those two county employees are to […]

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Sanctuary Pointe on executive session agenda

A valuable piece of undeveloped property—325 acres–lies just off the first I-85 exit into South Carolina.  The peninsula is located within Oconee County, but the property is owned by the state Parks, Recreation and Tourism department.  For years the state has leased the property to developers who’ve a pursued a project called Sanctuary Pointe, a destination resort around midway between […]

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Hoop that Seneca must clear before a groundbreaking

An environmental review will be required of the property Seneca is designating for an amphitheater.  Scott Moulder, city administrator, made the announcement yesterday that before the city can use Gignilliat Field land for the project, it’s going to be necessary to determine whether a flower (believe to be of the conehead variety) grows on the property.  The necessity is the […]

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It’s time to talk “CAT” bus service

The city of Seneca Transit Service will field comments and questions next week during a public hearing at city hall.  On the agenda for 12 noon Thursday, March 23 is the 2023-24 operating budget for the city’s passenger bus service. Scott Moulder, city administrator, noted a shortcoming yesterday during a strategic goals’ meeting with the city council.  Moulder regards as […]

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Westminster 148 today

Oconee’s third largest municipality is celebrating a birthday today with a 5-hour drop-in at the city’s history museum.  To mark Westminster’s 148th year, you can visit the museum, across Main Street from the Depot, between 11 and 4.  Mildred Spearman of the Westminster Area Historic Society says there will be a cake, cupcakes, and refreshments.

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South Carolinians lose $millions to internet swindlers

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released its annual 2022 Internet Crime Report and accompanying state reports, which show South Carolinians reported more than $100 million in losses to internet crimes last year.   The new report shows sharp increases from the 2021 report, which detailed $42 million in losses by South Carolinians. Seniors, […]

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Scott’s pointed remarks to the treasury secretary

ABC NEWS reported markets soared yesterday after 11 large banks unveiled a rescue plan for the First Republic Bank.  Agreeing to making $30 billion in deposits to prop up the struggling bank were, among others, Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup.  Nonetheless, the feds’ treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, was pressed during the Senate Finance Committee hearing by South Carolina’s Tim […]

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“Dream big for Seneca”

Seneca’s pipeline of projects includes new uses for large, empty commercial buildings in the downtown and an amphitheater.  The city’s to-do list got bigger yesterday when the city council and the city department heads retreated to an afternoon of brainstorming.  Each member of council chipped in with ideas and, in no time, their suggestions filled four large sheets of poster-type […]

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