Child sex case announcement postponed

A statement scheduled to have been made today by the office of the U-S prosecutor in South Carolina about a continuing case of child sex trafficking which ensnared a man who had worked as a Fair-Oak Elementary school officer has been postponed.  Spokesman Derek Shoemake of the U-S Attorney’s Office said, “Our office has decided to wait until the last […]

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Counting those Baltimore birds

South Carolina takes pride in reporting the largest number of Baltimore orioles in the country.  And, for the first time, the annual survey received a report from Oconee County. The state DNR is interested in the status and distribution of the colorful songbirds that winter in South Carolina.  If you currently have Baltimore orioles coming to your feeders or have […]

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You may receive Medicaid and Medicare legally

Sen. Tim Scott has introduced a bill to improve health care for persons dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare.  The bill is titled, “Supporting Care for Dual Eligibles Act”.  “Individuals who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid have some of the greatest health needs in our nation, yet they are often left with fragmented care,” said the South Carolina […]

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