Staggered start for kindergarten

Children enrolled for kindergarten classes for the new year in Oconee County will start kindergarten next month on a staggered basis.  The purpose is to allow the children who are in the early stages of school experience to be exposed to school-wide and classroom expectations in small groups.  The staggered start also will allow the teachers to build relationships with their students and, in a more manageable environment, to complete beginning-of-the-year assessments of their students.  From Monday, August 16 through Thursday, August 19, 4K and kindergarten students will attend just one day of school.  All students report on Friday the 20th.  Teachers will contact parents/guardians to schedule the day of the week their child will attend school, schedule parent-teacher conferences, and go over other details about the staggered starts.  Questions should be asked of a child’s school.