South Carolina COVID numbers Tuesday

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Tuesday announced 739 new confirmed cases and 30 additional confirmed deaths.  One of those deaths was that of an elderly Oconeean on September 18.  Eight new confirmed cases of the virus among Oconee residents were part of yesterday’s report.

This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 137,406, probable cases to 3,383, confirmed deaths to 3,067, and 176 probable deaths.

If you are out and about in the community, around others, or not able to socially distance or wear a mask, DHEC  recommends that you get tested at least once a month.

DHEC is working with community partners to set up mobile testing clinics and make testing available in communities across the state. Currently, there are 403 mobile testing events scheduled through October 31 and there are 253 permanent COVID-19 testing facilities across the state.

The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC Monday statewide was 5,160 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 14.3%.