Sewer service impacted

Here is an update on what Oconee Joint Regional Sewer is facing.  By 6:30 tonight, “All 16 OJRSA pump stations are off for one or more of the following reasons: “(1) Generators are running out of fuel and we will not be able to receive fuel deliveries until Saturday, (2) the upstream gravity sewers are underwater and we are essentially pumping creek water, which is then inundating the downstream gravity system, thus just shifting the areas where the overflows are occurring, and/or (3) the pumps are not able to keep up with the inflow of stormwater.  We hope to have many, if not all, back online Saturday.  As a result of these stations being unavailable, there are multiple sanitary sewer overflows in the service area.

Even though we are unable to pump flow into the treatment plant, we are still treating wastewater as we are drawing down on water contained in onsite storage basins and tanks….We estimate it will be at least Sunday before we will be able to assess any of the pipelines on ‘cross country’ easements, which most of ours are as they’re located along the creekbanks that are currently flooded.”