Sewer master plan covers parts of two counties

Failing to plan is planning to fail is a modern-day proverb.  Yesterday for his purposes Oconee’s Chris Eleazer revised it to read, “Failing to plan is planning to pay a lot more money for something.”  The executive director of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority stressed the importance of the resolution “Oconee County and Western Anderson County Sewer Master Plan” in front of the JRSA commissioners.  One of its findings reads this way:  “In providing for efficient and the effective wastewater service and treatment planning for the next twenty years for Oconee County, as well as the reconsideration of the portion of Western Anderson County considered in the Fair Play/Townville Area Sewer Basin Plan (2023), the Commission approved for the Oconee County and Western Anderson County Sewer Master Plan….”