Seneca exits bus service business

For 20 years, Seneca has run a bus passenger service that drew accolades for its achievement of a fleet of all electric-powered buses.  But that fell apart last night when city council emerged from executive session and voted to withdraw its arrangements with “CAT” – Clemson Area Transit – and to sell of the bus service assets.  Only Councilwoman Benson voted no. Saddened as the mayor and council are about ending free bus rides, as the watchdogs of public monies, they lament they can no longer justify the expense that a small municipality faces in maintaining a bus fleet.  They are hopeful that some arrangement can be made in the future to accommodate those Senecans who depend on the service to get to shops, to get to and from work, and to the hospital, among other destinations.  Other factors playing into the decision are the bankruptcy proceedings involving the city’s bus manufacturer and the inability to obtain parts, such as those required to restore to service the downtown re-charging station.  Among the council members greeting their decision with regret is Ronnie O’Kelley.  Seated next to Mayor Dan Alexander, O’Kelley called Seneca’s bus service Alexander’s greatest accomplishment in some 30 years as city mayor.